Our professionals

Dr. Carlos Ortiz de Solórzano Aurusa
Principal investigator of the Microphysiological Systems and Quantitative Biology group..
Professional career
Degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 1992. D. in Engineering from the same university in 1996.
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, from 1997 to 2000.
Staff Researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, from 2000 to 2004.
Since 2004 he has been a member of the Cima University of Navarra.
Professor of Signal Theory and Communications at the School of Engineering of the University of Navarra (TECNUN).
He has participated in more than 20 research projects, being principal investigator in 18 of them.
He has participated in more than 20 research projects, being principal investigator in 18 of them: European Union (Marie Curie Program), US Department of Defense, University of California, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ministry Of Economy and Competitiveness, Government of Navarra.
- Development of biomedical image filtering and enhancement tools.
- Development of biomedical image segmentation and analysis tools.
- Development of models based on artificial intelligence (Machine Learning) for biomedical image analysis.
- Development of advanced microfluidic systems for the implementation of organ-on-a-chip cellular models.
- Application of the developed tools to the study and discovery of biomarkers for lung cancer.
- Application of the developed tools to the stratification and prediction of response to cancer therapy.
- Application of the developed tools to the study of the mechanobiology of lung cancer.
- Application of the developed tools to the study of biomarkers based on image (NMR) of Parkinson's disease.
As an educator
He is Professor of Signal Theory at the School of Engineering (TECNUN).
Director of the Master's Program in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Navarra.
He has supervised 12 doctoral theses.
As a researcher
He has participated in the publication of more than 141 scientific articles in international journals and in more than 100 communications to national/international congresses.
He is a regular reviewer of R+D+i projects of the National Plan.
He is an evaluator of European Union projects.
He is associate editor of the journal IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.

- Coordinador de un challenge o competición internacional para fomentar el desarrollo de algoritmos de tracking celular (https://celltrackingchallenge.net). Esta iniciativa ha tenido una gran repercusión, dando lugar también a numerosas publicaciones entre las que destacan Maska et. al (Bioinformatics 2014) y Ulman et al. (Nature Methods 2017).
- Ha desarrollado numerosas herramientas de análisis de imagen disponibles en dominio público para filtrado, registro, segmentación y análisis de imagen, mayoritariamente para su uso en aplicaciones biomédicas.
More information
Latest scientific publications
- In vitro modeling of polyclonal infection dynamics within the human airways by Haemophilus influenzae differential fluorescent labeling Dec 12, 2023 | Magazine: Microbiology Spectrum
- Synplex: In Silico Modeling of the Tumor Microenvironment From Multiplex Images. Scientific Publication Oct 2, 2023 | Magazine: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging