Transparency Portal
Cima Universidad de Navarra
The Cima Universidad de Navarra presents the data and results of its research activity to facilitate knowledge of the institution and evaluate its effectiveness. It thus assumes the objectives of the Law of Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance.
The purpose of this Law is to broaden and reinforce the transparency of public activity, regulate and guarantee the right of access to information related to such activity and establish the obligations of good governance to be fulfilled by public officials and private entities that receive, during a period of one year, public aid or subsidies in an amount exceeding 100,000 euros or at least 40% of their total annual income as public aid or subsidies (Art. 3 b).
This commitment also entails publishing the organizational structure, including an updated organizational chart identifying the heads of the different bodies with their profile and professional background (Art. 6.2).
Finally, the Law states that private entities must publish information on the subsidies they receive when the granting body is a Public Administration (Art. 8.2).

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Our mission is to conduct translational research of excellence for the benefit of patients and society.

The Cima is able to carry out its research activities thanks to research projects, contracts with companies and donations.

Recruitment, grants and subsidies
National and international collaboration agreements and conventions,
and with other research centers and institutions