Cima Universidad de Navarra
Research Center

We are the research center of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.
Our more than 423 professionals research to cure unresolved
diseases with the most effective treatment for each patient.

The Cima Universidad de Navarra was inaugurated in 2004 with the mission to carry out translational research of excellence oriented to the benefit of patients and society. 

As a research center of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, our scientific objective is to address current clinical problems and to propose the most effective treatment for each patient. We are a reference in cancer, heart and liver diseases, immunotherapy, and gene therapy research.

The high level of specialization of our professionals in different biomedical areas is reflected in the research quality of their scientific publications and the development of therapeutic innovations.

To transfer the results of basic research to clinical application, Cima has a Translation and Transfer unit which, in its commitment to open innovation, seeks to establish collaborations with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies to facilitate the arrival of scientific discoveries to the patient.

Cima's research is multidisciplinary, carried out by teams of professionals from various fields (biologists, biochemists, pharmacists, engineers, physicians, laboratory technicians, etc.) In this context, in collaboration with the Clinic, synergies are favored with other professionals from other centers of the biomedical and technological campus of the University of Navarra, as well as with professionals from the Navarra Hospital Complex and Navarrabiomed, within the framework of the Navarra Health Research Institute (Idisna).

Since 2018, Cima has the status of University Research Institute of the Universidad de Navarra. As part of the academic institution, it shares with it its ideology, mission, and values. Cima's professionals also contribute, through their specific activity, to the teaching and training tasks of all the University's centers.

We aspire to be an international reference center in biomedical research, which favors innovation and the development of new treatments for personalized medicine".


Get to know us

We carry out translational science by orienting our scientific projects to the real needs of the patient

We are more than 400 professionals from 18 different countries with the purpose of promoting knowledge and innovation in advanced therapies for the benefit of patients and society as a whole. 

Our scientific activity is structured in three strategic areas:

  •     Cancer Division
  •     DNA and RNA Division
  •     Technological Innovation Division

About us

We are a research center committed to excellence in translational research, based on novel biological knowledge and aimed at finding therapeutic solutions to patients' needs.

We are the biomedical research center of the Universidad de Navarra. With our academic status we work on a non-profit basis to reinvest the surpluses in the progress of our research and to fulfill our mission of service to patients and society.

Research to cure

We do research to offer new solutions to our patients. Together with the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, we conduct translational research of excellence to change the course of diseases.

We generate knowledge

We are part of the Universidad de Navarra. In addition to research, our professionals are in continuous training and teaching.

Open innovation

Our discoveries are transformed into new therapeutic alternatives. We collaborate with universities, technology centers, companies and national and international foundations to reach patients as soon as possible.

Multidisciplinary team

Our DNA includes the collaboration of professionals in multidisciplinary teams to approach research in a comprehensive manner, helping to ensure that discoveries reach the patient.

Committed to research


The governance of the Cima Universidad de Navarra involves the Foundation for Applied Medical Research (FIMA), the Universidad de Navarra, and the Center's Steering Committee composed of a Scientific Advisory Board and an External Scientific Council.

FIMA is the owning entity of Cima Universidad de Navarra.



In its commitment to serve society, the Cima of the University presents the information of its research activity in compliance with the "Law of Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance".

Learn more about Cima


The Cima Universidad de Navarra is a biomedical research institution of the Universidad de Navarra. Its mission is to conduct translational research of excellence, based on novel biological knowledge and aimed at finding therapeutic solutions to patients' needs.


Cima's vision is to be an international reference center in biomedical research, valued for the relevance of its scientific discoveries and for the applicability of some of the products of its research in improving the health of patients, combining, therefore, the generation of knowledge with innovation and medical impact on society.


Our scientific activity aspires to make present the values that guide and characterize the daily work of those who form the Universidad de Navarra and shape its environment and culture: excellent work, freedom, respect, multidisciplinarity, responsibility, service and internationality.

Research, like all other professional activities, must be governed by ethical codes that guarantee the integrity with which it is carried out, for the benefit of both the credibility of its results and the people who carry it out.

The research activity carried out at Cima follows the ethical principles that govern the Universidad de Navarra of which it is a part. Thus, its code of conduct incorporates the contents of the main documents that address these aspects in the international scientific community: the Singapore Declaration on Integrity in Research and the European Code of Conduct for Integrity in Research.

Taking these aspects into account, we understand appropriate conduct to be that which, by making family and professional life compatible, contributes to creating a positive and stimulating work environment that aspires to maximum scientific excellence.

Basic principles
  • Priority to the dignity of the person. Attention to both the researchers and the rest of the research center staff as well as the patient who is the subject of the research. Special relevance to the compatibility of work and family life, respect for freedom and non-discrimination.
  • Value of a job well done: Integrity, Honesty in all aspects of the research; Responsibility in the execution; Good management of the research.
  • Cordiality in human relations. Professional courtesy and impartiality in labor relations.
Criteria for proper investigative conduct
  • Follow the fundamental elements contained in the "Good Research Practices" contained in the European Code of Conduct for Integrity in Research, which every researcher should know and apply.
  • Researchers and other employees of the Cima are also responsible for the proper handling of experimental animals, as established in the Institutional Statement on the Use of Experimental Animals of the Universidad de Navarra.
  • As the Cima is a research center of the Universidad de Navarra, the researchers assume in their work the responsibility for the training and promotion of the people under their care, especially the younger ones, both undergraduate and graduate students. This requires availability and generosity of time and resources.
  • The Cima seeks to carry out translational research that reaches the patient, in the conduct of researchers translates into the responsibility to ensure the protection of the intellectual property of their work.
  • In order to guarantee a work environment that facilitates coexistence, it must be taken into account the appropriateness in dress, in the way of expressing oneself and behaving with the basic principles that govern the center.