Research and
Clinical Trials
Research to cure
As a research center of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, the scientific objective of Cima is to improve diagnosis and propose the most effective treatment for each patient. To this end, researchers work closely with clinicians, forming multidisciplinary translational research teams.
This cooperation is essential to bring the results obtained in the laboratory closer to their application to the patient. The translational nature of Cima's research is reflected in its constant search for new drugs or therapeutic therapies that can be transferred to patients in the short and medium term.
Most of these trials have been based on advanced therapies aimed at oncology patients, such as cell or gene therapy.
Cima has boosted its commitment to precision medicine this year by combining advanced biomedical scientific activity with cutting-edge technology. These advances include the implementation of precision processes and techniques for diagnosing and treating rare and oncological diseases.
All research procedures carried out at the center are evaluated by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Navarra, responsible for ensuring compliance with ethical principles in human research.

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Innovation in translational research

DNA and RNA therapies
RNA is a molecule that carries the genetic information of DNA and has great therapeutic potential for treating cancer, rare and neurodegenerative diseases. Technology based on the use of synthetic mRNA molecules is revolutionising medicine, enabling the creation of innovative and personalised therapies.
Cima has a DNA and RNA Medicine research division that focuses its efforts on their application to treat diseases and improve people's health.

Advanced CAR-T cell therapies
Cima, together with the Clinic's Advanced Therapies Unit, has participated in several multicenter research projects, both national and international, two of them initiated during the 2019-2020 academic year.
In some of these projects, the work of Cima as a producer center of CAR-T and preclinical development of the therapeutic product stands out.
Clinical trial for the most lethal brain tumour in children
The Clínica Universidad de Navarra and Cima have opened a new avenue for the treatment of the brain tumour that causes most deaths in children. For the first time in the world, patients with diffuse intrinsic glioma of the brain stem have been treated with an oncolytic virus and the procedure has been shown to be feasible and safe.