Biochemical Analysis Service
The Biochemical Analysis Service of the Cima is oriented to the determination of biochemical parameters indicative of liver, renal and pancreatic function, and damage, as well as lipid and glycemic profile in experimental animals.
The parameters that can be determined include substrates and enzymes for the assessment of liver, pancreatic and renal function, evaluation of lipid and glucose metabolism, presence of drugs, etc.
In our service, we have an automatic biochemical analyzer Cobas c-311 (Roche Diagnostics) that offers a comprehensive clinical chemistry menu of more than 100 analyses that can be determined in serum, plasma, or urine of mouse, rat, macaque, or human species.
We have been in business for more than 10 years, so our staff has extensive experience and expertise in this field. Thus, we put our experience, knowledge, and technology at the disposal of researchers both at Cima and other companies.
In the Biochemical Analysis Service, we offer a fast, economical, and accurate service of a large number of biochemical determinations, with the possibility of expanding and adapting to the needs of researchers.
Eva Santamaría:
Telephone: +34 948 194 700 - Ext. 814019

Do you need our services?
If you are interested in knowing our rates and contracting our services, please contact us.
Support for research
In the last three years, more than 100,000 biochemical determinations have been performed for about 50 research groups.
The most frequent requests include:
- Liver function and damage parameters: transaminases (ALT and AST), alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, bilirubin, albumin, GGT, etc.
- Lipid profile and biliary metabolism: total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, glucose, NEFAs, bile acids, etc.
- Renal function and damage: urea, creatinine, albuminuria, etc.
Cutting-edge technology

Cobas c-311 Analyzer
A stand-alone system offering consolidated analysis of a broad menu of clinical chemistry applications. Up to 45 parameters can be analyzed simultaneously. Automatically performs sample dilution if necessary, sample integrity determination, and maintenance functions. No manual mix preparation is required, reducing operator variability. Batch-to-batch calibration contributes to the high reliability and reproducibility of analyses.