Tips and guidelines for the use of cytometers

If you wish to use the cell separation service using the FACSAria IIu cytometer, it is essential to book an appointment at least 7 days in advance. To do so, it is necessary to fill in the corresponding application form.

In order to use the cytometers, it is essential to know the general rules for their use and to have received instruction on how to use them.


In order to use the cytometers, it is essential to have received the appropriate training from UCF. To request this information, please contact

  • Properly trained and certified users will have access to the equipment. It is mandatory to follow the established rules on:
    • Prior reservation in the FACSCanto Google Calendar.
    • Cancellation of reservations.
    • Cleaning the equipment after use.
  • It is not allowed to load new programs on any computer on the platform without the prior consent of the SCF manager.
  • It is not allowed to perform the analysis after the acquisition of data on the cytometer computers.
  • It is not allowed to use USB or similar devices to export or import data. The acquired data will be exported to the department's own virtual hard disk in the folder corresponding to each user.
  • The storage of the images on the hard disks of the equipment is temporary, and they will be systematically deleted every six months.

Do you need our services?

If you are interested in knowing our rates and contracting our services, please contact us.

Download Cytometry rates