Publicaciones científicas
Immunodivergence in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
| Revista: Cancer Cell
de Andrea CE (1), Schalper KA (2), Sanmamed MF (3), Melero I (4)
Van den Eynde et al. publish in this issue of Cancer Cell that metastatic colorectal cancer shows marked heterogeneity in T cell infiltration among different lesions and patients. Measurements of T cell infiltration in metastases by immunoscore offer some prognostic information and support immune editing by coevolving adaptive immune responses.
CITA DEL ARTÍCULO Cancer Cell. 2018 Dec 10;34(6):876-878. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2018.11.012
Nuestros autores
Investigador | Investigador principal
Grupo de Investigación en Onco-Inmunología Aplicada y Traslacional
Investigador Senior | Investigador principal
Programa de Investigación de Inmunología e Inmunoterapia