Lung cancer research
Lung cancer is a disease located in the tissues of the respiratory tract. It originates in lung cells that suffer alterations in their genetic material. These cells multiply uncontrollably and can spread to other parts of the body through lymph nodes, in a process known as metastasis. Lung cancers often metastasize to the other lung, the brain, the bones or the liver.
It is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers and the one that causes the most deaths worldwide. There are several risk factors associated with its development, tobacco consumption being the most important. It is estimated that more than 80% of lung cancer cases are directly caused by smoking. Other risk factors are exposure to asbestos, radiation or air pollution.
There are several types of lung cancer which are classified into two main groups: small cell or microcytic carcinoma (between 10-15% of cases) and non-small cell or non-small cell carcinoma (between 85-90% of cases). Among others, at Cima we investigate two of the main subgroups of non-small cell carcinomas, squamous or epidermoid carcinoma and pulmonary adenocarcinoma.
We dream of curing lung cancer
Treatment options have increased significantly in recent years, mainly with the incorporation of targeted therapies and immunotherapy, but much remains to be discovered.

We conduct research to understand the genetic alterations that cause lung cancer and its metastasis.

We seek to identify biomarkers for early diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of response to treatment, as well as to validate potential antitumor therapeutic targets and design new therapies directed against these targets.

We work together with researchers and clinicians so that our discoveries reach the patient as soon as possible.
Solid Tumor Research Program
The study of lung cancer is addressed within the Solid Tumors Program through the Biomarkers and New Therapeutic Targets research group and the Predictive and Response Markers research group.
Both groups are focused on preclinical research of this disease using in vitro and in vivo models. Their common goal is to develop innovative anti-tumor therapies and validate early detection markers.