Multiple myeloma research
Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer that begins in the plasma cells in the bone marrow.
Plasma cells (mature B lymphocytes) are a type of white blood cell that produce antibodies and help the body fight infection and disease. Multiple myeloma occurs when these cells become altered and multiply uncontrollably in the bone marrow. This causes tumors to form in many bones in the body. These tumors can excessively increase calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia) damaging other organs of the body such as the kidneys, heart, muscles, nerves and gastrointestinal tract. Also, as the number of myeloma cells increases, the blood can thicken and prevent the bone marrow from producing enough healthy blood cells.
Multiple myeloma is the second most common hematologic cancer with 5 new cases per 100,000 people per year. Although the disease is usually diagnosed in patients over the age of 65, this malignant neoplasm also occurs in people under 40 years of age.
Although the causes of this disease are unknown, advances in research and personalized medicine are helping us to learn more and more about the disease.
Dreaming of curing multiple myeloma
Treatment options have increased significantly in the last 10 years, but much remains to be discovered.

We are moving towards a deeper understanding of the cell biology that causes its spread and resistance to treatment.

We investigate mechanisms for early detection of the disease in order to design innovative treatments even before symptomatology appears.

We work closely with researchers and clinicians to rapidly translate findings from the laboratory to the patient.
How do we research multiple myeloma?
Cima's multiple myeloma research is integrated into the Onco-Hematology research area of the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra.
Our multiple myeloma research groups



Researchers from Cima's Hemato-Oncology Program.