Scientific publications

A quantitative method for the detection of muscle functional active and passive behavior recovery in models of damage-regeneration. Scientific Publication

Apr 22, 2018 | Magazine: SAGE

Jorge Grasa, Ana Pérez-Ruíz, María Jesús Muñoz, Fernando Soteras, Miriam Bobadilla Muñoz, Arantxa Baraibar Churio, Felipe Prósper, Begoña Calvo


Unlike other organs, skeletal muscle is endowed with a remarkable potential for regeneration that depends on the presence of satellite cells. Histological and functional (force generation) recoveries after muscle damage are not parallel processes. The aim of this study is to examine the in vivo contractile properties and in vitro passive stress–stretch behavior of muscle during degeneration–regeneration processes.

Notexin was injected into rat tibialis anterior muscle, and functional recovery and histological changes were compared. We found that histological improvement of damaged muscle is delayed in comparison with its capacity to generate force. The elastic properties of muscle were not altered in agreement with the unchanged cross-linking index, probably as a consequence of the unaltered deposition of total collagen during degeneration–regeneration processes together with the maintenance of the ratio of collagens type I and III.

CITATION  SAGE April 22, 2018

Our authors

Dr. Ana Pérez Ruiz
Arantxa Baraibar