Our professionals

Dr. Fernando Aranda Vega
Principal investigator of the group Strategies of locoregional immunotherapy in peritoneal carcinomatosis.
Preferential dedication to new intracavitary immunotherapy strategies in advanced stages of tumors developed within the peritoneal cavity.
Be part of:
Cima Universidad de Navarra
Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra
Professional career
- Degree in Biology. University of Navarra (Spain), 2006
- Degree in Biochemistry. University of Navarra (Spain), 2007
- Master in Cellular and Molecular Biology. University of Navarra (Spain), 2008
- PhD in Biomedical Research. University of Navarra (Spain), 2012
- Master in Molecular Oncology. Center for Biosanitary Studies (CEB) (Spain), 2020.
- International research stays (France, USA).
- Postdoctoral fellowship from the "Fondation ARC pour la Recherche sur le Cancer".
- Mobility grant-AES, 2017 (ISCIII)
- Sara Borrell Program, 2016-2019 (postdoctoral, ISCIII)
- Miguel Servet Program type I, 2020-2025 (researcher, ISCIII)
- R3 certificate as an established researcher by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain.
- Principal author of the paper "Adjuvant combination and antigen targeting as a strategy to induce polyfunctional and high-avidity T-cell responses against poorly immunogenic tumors" which received the II Professor Durántez-Fundación LAIR Award for the best original article in the field of immunology in 2011.
- Co-inventor of a research patent.
- Experimental models of peritoneal carcinomatosis of colon, stomach and ovarian cancer.
- New intracavitary immunotherapy strategies.
- Immunotherapies based on viral and non-viral (mRNA) vectors for the treatment of peritoneal metastases.
- Intraperitoneal adoptive cellular immunotherapy in peritoneal carcinomatosis.
- Immunopotentiation of the omental antitumor response and identification of predictive markers of efficacy.
As an educator
- He has co-directed 2 doctoral theses, both with the highest grade cum laude and international mention.
- Currently co-directs 3 doctoral thesis students.
- He has co-directed 2 master's theses and supervised 3 final degree theses.
- He is accredited by ANECA as "Profesor Ayudante Doctor", "Profesor de Universidad Privada", and "Profesor Contratado Doctor".
- He is accredited by AQU (Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya) as "Profesor Lector", and "Profesor Agregado".
- He is accredited by the ACCUEE (Canarian Agency for University Quality and Educational Evaluation) as "Profesor Contratado Doctor Tipo 2".
- He has participated in a chapter of the "Master's Degree in Immuno-Oncology" of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: The Adaptive Immune Response.
As a researcher
- He has participated in more than 70 scientific publications in international journals.
- He has participated in 6 international congresses with oral/poster presentations.
- He has made international post-doctoral stays (France, USA).
- He has edited a "Research Topic" in Frontiers in Immunology: Tumor-Immune Microenvironment and Strategies for Translational and Clinical Cancer Treatments in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis.
- He has contributed as an editor to more than 15 publications.
- He has been reviewer for more than 20 scientific articles in international and impact journals such as Onco-Immunology, Frontiers in Immunology, Clinical Cancer Research, The Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer.
- He has co-edited 5 volumes of the Book Series "International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology" ELSEVIER, in Vol.369- New Antibody Formats; Vol.370- Adoptive Cell Transfer; Vol.371- Cellular Immunity in the Peritoneum; Vol.372- mRNA-based Therapeutics; Vol.379- Viral Vectors in Cancer Immunotherapy.
- He has participated in 5 research projects as an investigator, one of them international for Worldwide Cancer Research.
- To date he has obtained 2 FIS projects from ISCIII as principal investigator.
- He collaborates in projects of pharmaceutical companies (Bavarian nordic, Hookipa Pharma).
More information
Latest scientific publications
- The significance of the omentum in locoregional immunotherapy for peritoneal carcinomatosis. Scientific Publication Nov 20, 2023 | Magazine: Oncoimmunology
- Intraperitoneal administration of a modified vaccinia virus Ankara confers single-chain interleukin-12 expression to the omentum and achieves immune-mediated efficacy against peritoneal carcinomatosis. Scientific Publication Nov 13, 2023 | Magazine: Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer