Our professionals

Dr. Pablo Sarobe Ugarriza

Principal investigator of the Vaccine Development group.
Preferential dedication to the development of therapeutic vaccines and antitumor and antiviral immunotherapy strategies.

Be part of: Cima Universidad de Navarra Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Professional career

Degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Navarra in 1988. D. in Sciences from the same university in 1992.

Specialized in research in the development of therapeutic vaccines and antitumor and antiviral immunotherapies.

He has carried out a research stay at the National Institute of Health of the United States focused on the development of immunogens against hepatitis C virus.

Teaching since 1989 at the University of Navarra.

Since 1999 he has been a member of the Cima University of Navarra.

Principal Investigator of the Vaccine Development Research Group within the Immunology and Immunotherapy Program at Cima.


He is co-inventor of 19 patents, some of them in clinical phases for the treatment of several pathologies.

He has participated with his patents in two clinical trials, one for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C and another for the treatment of advanced hepatocarcinoma.

He has participated in more than 19 research projects, being principal investigator in 12 of them. Of note are the competitive projects funded by: European Union, Ministry of Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Carlos III Health Institute, Government of Navarra and private organizations.

He has established more than 7 agreements and collaborations with R+D+i centers.


  • Development of therapeutic vaccines.
  • Characterization of the mechanisms of induction of cellular and humoral immune responses.
  • Characterization and development of synthetic peptides as inhibitors of different biological processes.
  • Study of the mechanisms of escape of viruses from immune system surveillance.


As an educator

He teaches Immunology at the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra.

He has supervised 10 doctoral theses, 5 Master's theses, and 2 Bachelor's theses at the University of Navarra.

He has collaborated in the writing of 2 book chapters.

As a researcher

He has participated in the publication of more than 101 scientific articles in international journals and in more than 98 communications to national/international congresses.

Imagen de un icono azul con un documento certificado.

Scientific highlights

  • Co-inventor in 19 patents.
  • Participation in 2 clinical trials.
  • Development of a prototype vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. 
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