Vaccine Development
"Our research in the development of dendritic cell-based vaccines has resulted in different vaccination protocols that have been tested in patients."
Cima's Vaccine Development Research Group, integrated in the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra, focuses on the development of vaccines based on the modulation of dendritic cells (DCs), a type of antigen-presenting immune cells responsible for detecting pathogens and presenting their antigens to T lymphocytes (LTs), which will develop their effector functions.
For proper LT activation, DCs are required to undergo a maturation process that involves increased expression of antigen presenting molecules (MHC), co-stimuli, as well as LT polarizing cytokines. DC maturation occurs as a consequence of the recognition of pathogen-associated molecules or danger signals. The characterization of these molecules, their corresponding receptors on DCs, as well as the signaling pathways involved in these processes, has allowed us to advance in the knowledge of DC biology and in the development of new vaccination strategies.
Our group is investigating the use of different molecules that favor DC maturation, combinations between them, as well as with antigens of interest in cancer, mainly in hepatocarcinoma, to develop more potent vaccination strategies.
It is known that DC maturation is accompanied by autoregulatory mechanisms that modulate their activity so that it does not reach levels that exacerbate the response, becoming harmful. In certain situations, such as cancer, these mechanisms are over-expressed, leading to deficient activity of this cell population. In this sense, we are working on enhancing the activity of DCs by blocking or inhibiting these immunosuppressive mechanisms.

Dr. Pablo Sarobe
+34 948 194 700 | Ext. 81 3009 | | | |
Research profile |
Oncology research integrated in the
Cancer Center Clinica Universidad de Navarra

Vaccine Development Research Group Objectives
We seek to enhance immunotherapy treatments through cross-cutting research

Characterization of the basic mechanisms of immune response activation.

Design of new vaccination strategies.

Development of cancer vaccines: application in clinical trials.
Cytokines in clinical cancer immunotherapy
The antitumor properties of cytokines have led to an exponential increase in the number of research and clinical trials exploring the safety and efficacy of cytokine-based drugs, not only as single agents but also in combination with other immunomodulatory drugs.
These new trends in the field of cytokine immunotherapy are producing promising therapeutic agents and the design of new strategies with potential clinical application, such as anti-TNF therapy.
Research lines in Vaccine Development
IPs: Pablo Sarobe y Sandra Hervás
Aunque la mayoría los pacientes tienen una respuesta inmunitaria específica para su cáncer, las células cancerosas encuentran formas de evadir la vigilancia inmunológica. Las Inmunoterapias basadas en los bloqueantes de los conocidos inmunocheckpoint han mostrado efectos positivos en una proporción significativa de pacientes. Desafortunadamente, en la mayoría de los casos, estas terapias inmunomoduladoras no son curativas por la ausencia de una respuesta inmunitaria preexistente.
En este escenario, la identificación de antígenos tumorales específicos para el desarrollo de vacunas han sido objeto de una intensa investigación. El increíble progreso en las técnicas de secuenciación (NGS) está haciendo posible la identificación de antígenos tumorales únicos para el diseño y fabricación de vacunas personalizadas frente a diferentes tipos de tumores. En el laboratorio hemos trabajado en el desarrollo de un pipeline para la identificación de mutaciones y neoantígenos a partir de muestras de pacientes, con el objetivo de poder incorporarlos en formulaciones basadas en péptidos sintéticos o en ARN/ADN para el diseño de vacunas personalizadas.
- Identificar antígenos para la selección de linfocitos T específicos de tumor.
- Identificar mutaciones en tumores hepáticos (hepatocarcinoma; HCC) y en cáncer mama triple negativo.
- Identificar neo-antígenos para ser incluidos en vacunas personalizadas.
- Estudiar la eficacia de la combinación de vacunas con agentes inmunomoduladores (checkpoint inhibitors, drogas epigenéticas y otros).
Realizamos esta investigación en colaboración con la Unidad del Hepatología (Dr. Bruno Sangro) y con el Departamento de Oncología (Dra Marta Santisteban) de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra.
Meet the research team

Scientific activity of the
Vaccine Development Research Group
Latest scientific publications
- Advancing with cancer immunotherapeutics: CD29+ regulatory T cell antagonism Feb 23, 2024 | Magazine: Gut
- Regulatory T Cell Inhibition by P60 Combined with Adenoviral AFP Transduced Dendritic Cells for Immunotherapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Nov 24, 2023 | Magazine: Immunological Investigations
- Mutated trimeric RBD vaccines: a platform against variants of concern Apr 13, 2023 | Magazine: Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy
- Preclinical models for prediction of immunotherapy outcomes and immune evasion mechanisms in genetically heterogeneous multiple myeloma Mar 16, 2023 | Magazine: Nature Medicine