"Radiopharmaceuticals allow us to observe the interior of the organism, in vivo, in a non-invasive way and thus obtain the molecular image of the organism or the disease to be studied".
The Micro-PET Research Platform is a research support unit dependent on the Cima and the Nuclear Medicine Service of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.
PET (Positron Emission Tomography) is an in vivo molecular imaging technique that can visualize and quantify many biological and physiological processes. The method uses different radiotracers labeled with positron emitters, whose biological affinity determines the information provided by the PET study.
The appearance in recent years of high-resolution tomographic equipment (Micro-PET) has made it possible to apply this technique to the study of small animals. One of the significant advantages of this test is that since it is non-invasive, it allows longitudinal monitoring of the same animal throughout the experimental process.
The radiotracers necessary for cell marking are synthesized in the Clinic's Radiopharmacy Unit, the only Spanish hospital with the capacity to synthesize and apply 20 different radiopharmaceuticals.

Do you need our services?
If you are interested in knowing our rates and contracting our services, please contact us.
- 18F-FDG Glycidal metabolism, tumor activity; cell labeling for early cell recruitment studies.
- 11C-Choline Phospholipid synthesis, tumor activity.
- 11C-Methionine Amino acid transport, tumor activity.
- 13N-ammonium Blood perfusion.
- 18F-FHBG Gene expression in vivo.
- 11C-DTBZ Vesicular monoamine transporter VMAT2 (dopaminergic innervation).
- 18F-DOPA Dopamine metabolism (dopaminergic innervation).
- 11C-Flumazenyl GABAergic receptors.
- 18F-Fluoride Bone metabolism.
- 11C-Acetate ß-oxidative metabolism.
Objectives of our platform
Research Support Unit

High resolution
In vivo metabolic imaging techniques for the study of animal models, mainly by means of PET imaging and using radiopharmaceuticals produced by the Clinic's Radiopharmacy Unit.

Molecular imaging
Labeling of cells, peptides or nanoparticles with different radioisotopes for subsequent study by in vivo and/or ex vivo biodistribution techniques depending on the radioisotope used.

Animal models
Ex vivo biodistribution studies after administration of radioactively labeled compounds by quantitative digital autoradiography and organ counting and dissection.
Equipment and services
- MicroPET equipment (Mosaic, Philips) dedicated to the study of small animals (mouse, rat, monkey).
- Quantitative digital autoradiography equipment (BAS 5000, Fujifilm).
- Whole body cryostat (Bright 8250).
- Isoflurane inhalation anesthesia equipment.
- Biological safety cabinet.
- Stabling area equipped with ventilated rack (HEPA filters) for animals under negative pressure.
Quantitative digital autoradiography services (biodistribution of compounds labeled with positron emitters, gamma emitters or β-emitters).
Meet the research team

Diagnosis and
early treatment
The benefit for our patients, having this wide variety of radiopharmaceuticals synthesized by the Radiopharmacy Unit, is to allow a more accurate diagnosis to determine the most appropriate treatment for complex pathologies such as prostate, brain and liver tumors, degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's and dementia in general.