Our professionals

Dr. Antonio Pineda Lucena
Scientific Director at Cima University of Navarra.
Director of Translational Research.
Director of the Therapeutic Innovation Program.
Principal Investigator of the Medicinal Chemistry group.
Preferential dedication to the development of new chemical and biological therapeutic modalities.
Professional career
Graduated in Chemical Sciences at the Universities of Cordoba and Granada. D. Thesis at the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB, Madrid, Spain) of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Guillermo Giménez-Gallego in 1995.
After his Ph.D., he moved to The Netherlands (MEC, EMBO, and TMR -currently Marie Sklodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowships) for a postdoctoral stay (1996-1999) in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Cees Hilbers at the Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen, where he worked on the development of new methodologies related to molecular biology, protein chemistry, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
Later, he obtained a contract fellowship from the biotechnology company Amgen and, subsequently, an Associate Scientist position (1999-2002) at the Ontario Cancer Institute (Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Canada), the Canadian reference center for cancer research and treatment, where he worked on the structural characterization of oncoproteins and tumor suppressors, as well as on the development of new structural genomics technologies.
Subsequently, he was appointed Associate Principal Scientist (2002-2005) at the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in Alderley Park (Manchester, UK), the largest research center of this company in oncology. During this period, he worked on the structural characterization of pharmaceutically relevant targets and drug design using NMR and computational chemistry techniques. In addition, he belonged to the group responsible for evaluating and selecting drug targets in cell invasion and metastasis within the pharmaceutical company.
In 2005, he was recruited by the Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF, Valencia, Spain) to direct, as Principal Investigator, the Structural Biochemistry laboratory and the NMR platform of the same center. During this period (2005-2015), he also held different research management responsibilities related to the Presidency of the Research Committee, the Direction of the Advanced Therapies Program, and the Deputy Direction of the CIPF.
In 2015, he joined the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe (IIS La Fe, Valencia, Spain) as Director of the Drug Discovery Unit and, at the same time, as Coordinator of the Joint Unit in Clinical Metabolomics CIPF/IIS La Fe. During this period, he also occupied the Direction of the Area of Research in Innovation in Diagnostics and Therapeutics and the Presidency of the Innovation Committee of IIS La Fe.
In 2019, he accepted the Direction of the Molecular Therapies Program and that of the Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry at Cima Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona, Spain). He has held the position of Director of Translational Research and Deputy Director of the same entity. Since September 2022, he has been Scientific Director of Cima.
He combines this activity with postgraduate teaching at the Universidad de Navarra and the Universitat Jaume I. Since 2020, he is also Coordinator of the Personalized Medicine Area within the 2025 Strategy of the Universidad de Navarra.
Co-inventor of 5 patents, one of them in exploitation by a pharmaceutical company.
Principal investigator of more than 30 research projects of the European Union, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Government of Navarra, and public and private organizations.
Active participation in the evaluation of regional, national, and international projects in the area of Chemistry and Biomedicine, as well as in the review of papers in high-impact journals in his field of research.
Organizer of national and international R+D+i activities in the field of medicinal chemistry and metabolomics.
- Rational drug design using fragment screening strategies.
- Generation of inhibitors that induce degradation of drug targets.
- Strategies for the generation of nanobodies against tumor antigens.
- New generations of cell therapies based on intelligent CAR-T.
As an educator
- Direction of more than 25 undergraduate and master's degree theses in national and European universities.
- Direction of 9 doctoral theses.
- Professor of the Master's Degree in Computational Methods in Science at the University of Navarra, and of the Master's Degree in Applied and Pharmacological Chemistry at the University Jaime I.
As a researcher
- He has participated in the publication of more than 125 scientific articles in international journals.
- He has presented more than 250 communications to national and international congresses.
- Representative of FIMA in the executive board of Hemostatics Pharmaceuticals.

Scientific highlights
- University Teacher Training Grant (Ministry of Education and Science).
- European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Grant.
- Training and Mobility of Researchers Grant (European Union).
- AMGEN-Ontario Cancer Institute Grant.
- Positive evaluation of the Incentive Program for the Incorporation and Intensification of Research Activity (I3, Ministry of Education and Science).
- Scientific Coordinator of the Strategy for Innovative and Precision Medicines (Generalitat Valenciana).
- Scientific Coordinator of the Area of Personalized Medicine (Strategy 2025, Universidad de Navarra).
Scientific Institutions
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Therapeutic Chemistry.
More information
Latest scientific publications
- An automated network-based tool to search for metabolic vulnerabilities in cancer. Scientific Publication Oct 11, 2024 | Magazine: Nature Communications
- Protein Biomarkers in Lung Cancer Screening: Technical Considerations and Feasibility Assessment. Scientific Publication Jul 17, 2024 | Magazine: Archivos de Bronconeumología