Publicaciones científicas
A "Counter-Enhancer" in Tumor Suppression
| Revista: Cell Press
Francesco P Marchese, Maite Huarte
The role of the noncoding genome in cancer biology is continually expanding. Cho et al. reveal a new and unexpected mechanism for the regulation of MYC expression mediated by the promoter sequence of its neighbor gene PVT1. This DNA element acts as a promoter-enhancer competitor and a candidate tumor suppressor.
CITA DEL ARTÍCULO Cell. 2018 May 31;173(6):1318-1319. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.05.023.

Nuestros autores

Francesco Paolo Marchese
Plataforma de Genómica
Investigadora | Investigadora principal
Grupo de Investigación en ARN No Codificante y Genoma del Cáncer