Cima University of Navarra and the Weizmann Institute of Science sign an agreement for cancer research

The Spanish and Israeli research centers are initiating three pioneering projects in cancer research that combine artificial intelligence, cutting-edge genetic technology, and advanced therapy. The agreement was made possible thanks to the initiative and contribution of the Alberto Palatchi Foundation, a philanthropic organization that promotes biomedical research and technological innovation

From left to right: Antonio Pineda-Lucena, María Mora, Zita Serrano-Súñer, Alberto Palatchi, Alon Chen, Ziv Reich, Larisa Claru, José Andrés Gómez Cantero and Jesús San Miguel.

June 5, 2023

Cima and the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) have signed an agreement for research against cancer. This agreement aims to implement three pioneering biomedical projects that combine artificial intelligence, cutting-edge genetic technology, and advanced therapies. These projects seek to improve the treatment of lung and pancreatic cancer, two of the most lethal types of tumors, and multiple myeloma, the second most common blood cancer. 

The agreement was made possible thanks to Alberto Palatchi Foundation's initiative and contribution, a philanthropic organization with multiple purposes, including promoting biomedical research and technological innovation.

Spanish-Israeli Alliance in precision cancer medicine

This agreement will establish alliances between three research groups from both institutions. On the one hand, the teams of Dr. Felipe Prósper, Co-Director of the Hemato-Oncology Program at Cima and director of the Cell Therapy Area at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, and Prof. Nir Yosef, Principal Investigator of the Department of Systems Immunology at the Weizmann Institute, will promote the development of new CAR-T therapies for the treatment of multiple myeloma.

On the other hand, the groups of Dr. Juan Dubrot, Principal investigator of the Solid Tumors Program at the Cima, and Dr. Efrat Shema, Principal Investigator of the Department of Immunology and Regenerative Biology at the Weizmann Institute, will focus on identifying the mechanisms that lead to treatment resistance in patients with pancreatic cancer. Finally, the groups of Dr. Ruben Pio, Director of the Cima Cancer Division, and Dr. Leeat Keren, Principal Investigator of Tissue Pathology Laboratory at the Weizmann Institute's Department of Molecular Cell Biology, will apply advanced imaging and artificial intelligence techniques to improve the results of immunotherapy in lung cancer.

María Iraburu and Paloma Grau, President, and Vice-President for Research and Sustainability of the University of Navarra, respectively, José Andrés Gómez Cantero, General Director of Cima, Prof. Alon Chen and Prof. Ziv Reich, President and Vice-President of the Weizmann Institute of Science, respectively, and Alberto Palatchi, President of the Alberto Palatchi Foundation, participated in the presentation of the agreement.

Prof. Alon Chen said: “We are delighted to sign this agreement (MoU) with the Cima University of Navarra. Through this newly established collaboration we are bringing together bright minds in the field of cancer research from both institutions, with the ambition of extending boundaries for the future of humanity.”

"For the University of Navarra, it is an honor to initiate this collaboration with the Weizmann Institute, one of the most prestigious research institutions in the world, home to several Nobel Prize winners and in whose laboratories some of the most important advances in the field of oncology have been made. Furthermore, cancer research is one of our strategic lines, which we promote at the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra through the Cima", added Paloma Grau, Vice-President for Research and Sustainability at the University of Navarra.