TEGER Project

Development of therapeutic strategies to treat patients with renal disease of genetic origin.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects about 8% of the EU population causing the death of 175,000 people annually. Seventy percent of pediatric CKD cases and 10% of adult end-stage CKD are due to defects in a single gene

Renal transplantation is currently the only curative treatment for CKD, underscoring the undeniable need to develop new therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, current treatment of CKD focuses on symptom control, treatment of associated complications and attempts to delay disease progression. Gene therapy represents a clear clinical alternative of great appeal for patients with kidney disease of genetic origin. Among these diseases, the most frequent is polycystic kidney disease with an incidence of 1 in 400-1000 births. 

In TEGER we will generate AAV libraries that will be locally administered in animal models. After which, using massive sequencing techniques in combination with bioinformatics tools, we will identify AAV variants with high transferability of the genetic material to kidney cells. In parallel, a medical device will be developed to allow safe and efficient administration of gene therapy vectors, optimizing administration conditions in large animal models, which will accelerate the clinical development of renal gene therapy. 

A very relevant objective of TEGER is the identification of the mutations causing polycystic kidney disease in the population of Navarra, which will allow the identification of patients to be included in a future gene therapy clinical trial in Navarra.

Therefore, TEGER has been created to provide an innovative solution to renal diseases of hereditary origin through the development of advanced therapies by personalizing the transfer of therapeutic genes.



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Coordinator and partners

TEGER project participants

Project coordinator: 

  • FIMA through Cima Universidad de Navarra

Project partners:

  • ADItech
  • Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Icono equipo profesionales TEGER Project participants

  • Gloria Gonzalez
  • Rafael Aldabe
  • Miriam Méndez Uría
  • Julen Torrens Baile
  • Beatriz Carte Abad
  • Cristina Olagüe Micheltorena
  • Africa Vales Aranguren
  • Diego Medarde Artime

  • Marina Ruiz de Galarreta Martínez 
  • Nicholas Daniel Weber 
  • Laia Trigueros Motos


  • Joaquín Fernández
  • Enrique Santamaría
  • Maruxa Arana Remírez 
  • Gonzalo Eciolaza Ferrando 
  • Alexandra Martínez Clamens 


  • Nuria García Fernández
  • Paloma Martín Moreno 
  • José María Mora Gutiérrez
  • Daniel Sánchez Zalabardo 
  • Juan Colombás Vives 


  • Ángel Alonso Sánchez
  • Virginia García Solaesa 
  • Carolina Eugenia Purroy Irurzun

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