Research Projects
Blocking the Unfolded Protein Response: a novel strategy to increase the efficacy of immune check-point inhibitors in hepatocellular carcinoma
Researcher | Principal Investigator
Integrated Stress Responses and Liver Cancer Immunotherapy Research Group
Research Division
DNA and RNA Medicine Division
Research program
RNA Biology and Therapy
Research group
Integrated Stress Responses and Liver Cancer Immunotherapy.
Project information
Blocking the Unfolded Protein Response: a novel strategy to increase the efficacy of immune check-point inhibitors in hepatocellular carcinoma is a project of the research group Therapeutic non-coding RNAs and integrated stress in Cancer, belonging to the division of DNA and RNA Therapies of the Cima of the University of Navarra.
Funding Entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III. State Health Agency.
Principal Investigator: Josepmaria Argemi
- Reference: PI20/01663
- Start date: January 1, 2021
- End date: December 31, 2023
- Nature of project: National

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