RNA Biology and Therapy

"RNA is highly unfamiliar for most people, but it has an enormous therapeutic potential. In the program we work to understand RNA´s function and regulation in cancer and senescence and apply our knowledge to the clinic".


In the program we work cooperatively to address different aspects related to RNA biology:

  1. Identification and functional analysis of non-coding RNAs involved in senescence, tumorigenesis and tumor proliferation. We study RNAs that function in key pathways such as senescence, replication, and DNA damage repair, among other. In addition, we study RNA modifications and their functional relevance. The aim is to understand complex mechanisms and apply our knowledge to the clinic (PIs: Maite Huarte, Puri Fortes and Marta Montes)
  2. Biotechnological development based on RNAs. The use of self-replicating RNAs is being investigated to express factors that stimulate the immune system against tumors. These RNAs have great applications in the field of cancer vaccination, following strategies similar to those of the RNA-based COVID-19 vaccine. We also generate synthetic non-coding RNAs with therapeutic functions, such as, for example, the regulation of gene expression (PIs: Cristian Smerdou and Puri Fortes)
  3. Response to stress. Cellular stress has a huge impact on RNA transcription and translation and the development of cancer and response to immunotherapy. We study the mechanisms and consequences of cellular stress and the impact of their modulation as therapeutic strategies. Within this topic, we study non-canonical microproteins, those that are produced from RNA regions considered non-coding and that are modulated by cellular stress. We believe that these microproteins can be ideal candidates to develop vaccines against cancer (PIs: Josepmaria Argemí and Puri Fortes).
  4. Technological implementation. The studies carried out in the department are complex and require technological implementation based on massive studies that require complicated protocols for performance and analysis of the results. Several laboratories of the department are especially involved in this technological implementation (PIs: Maite Huarte and Josepmaria Argemí)
  5. Clinical perspective. The studies carried out in the department are aimed at understanding complex biological methods and developing new therapeutic strategies. For this reason, we have developed animal models of the diseases that we study in the program. In addition, the clinical work of Dr. Josepmaria Argemí provides us with direct contact with oncologists and neurologists at the University Hospitals of Navarra (PIs: Josepmaria Argemí, Marta Montes and Cristian Smerdou).


Dra. Puri Fortes
+34 948 194 700 | Ext. 814025
Research profile

All the department's laboratories are interconnected with each other and with other laboratories inside and outside CIMA (red dots). This is essential to enhance our research. Collaborations allow us to achieve much more ambitious objectives than those we could have in isolation. Each laboratory is an essential pillar for the whole department to function

RNA Biology and RNA Therapy Research Groups

Maite Huarte Maite Huarte 
Principal Investigator
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Cristian Smerdou Cristian Smerdou
Principal Investigator
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 Purificación Fortes Purificación Fortes
Principal Investigator
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Marta Montes Marta Montes 
Principal Investigator
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Josepmaria Argemi Josepmaria Argemi 
Principal Investigator
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Objectives of our program

Identification and functional analysis of non-coding RNAs involved in tumorigenesis and tumor proliferation

Biotechnological development based on RNAs.

Response to cellular stress in RNA transcription and translation

Technological implementation: Technological implementation based on mass surveys

Clinical perspective to understand complex biological methods and to develop new therapeutic strategies.


Cutting-edge translational research

With the focus on the patient and the mission to propose new drugs and therapeutic strategies that will soon reach the clinic, we work in close collaboration with the Departments of Hematology and Hemotherapy, Medical Oncology and Immunotherapy of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra as well as with the Cell Therapy Area and CIMA LAB Diagnostics.

In-depth knowledge of the disease

Thanks to the support of flow cytometry we advance in the knowledge and predictive capacity of these hematological malignancies.

Evolution of CAR-T therapies

We innovate in the design of new CAR-T, technologically advanced and specific to these diseases.

Clinical Trials

With the translational vision of our research, we participate in early clinical trials.

<p>Fachada del Centro de Investigaci&oacute;n M&eacute;dica Aplicada (CIMA)</p>

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