Research Projects
Curing Dravet Syndrome by Gene Therapy (CureDravet)
Research program
Gene Therapy for Rare Diseases
Dravet's syndrome
Project information
Research project called Curing Dravet Syndrome by Gene Therapy (CureDravet) of the Research Group on Gene Therapy for Congenital Encephalopathies of the CIMA of the University of Navarra.
IP Rocío Sánchez-Carpintero (Clinica Universidad de Navarra).
General coordinator: Moran Rubinstein.
Funding agency: European Union. E-rare/ISCIII.
Duration: 01/06/2018-31/05/2021.
- Convocation: 2018-2021
- Start date: January 1, 0218
- End date: December 31, 2021
- Nature of project: International

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