Research Projects
Widespread expression of transgenes in inhibitory interneurons of the brain using high-capacity adenoviral vectors: application to Dravet syndrome.
Research program
Gene Therapy for Rare Diseases
Dravet's syndrome
Project information
Research project called Targeted widespread expression of transgenes in brain inhibitory interneurons using High-Capacity Adenoviral vectors: application to Dravet Syndrome (RTI2018-097730-B-I00) of the Research Group on Gene Therapy for Congenital Encephalopathies of CIMA of the University of Navarra.
PI: Ruben Hernandez-Alcoceba and Ana Ricobaraza.
Funding agency: MINECO, Spain.
Duration: 01/01/2019-31/12/2021.
- Convocation: 2019-2021
- Start date: January 1, 2019
- End date: December 31, 2021
- Nature of project: National
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