Research Projects

Humanized-PDX models to develop IL-8/CXCR and CD137 targeting therapies to overcome resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors in skin and kidney cancer patients

Project information

Research project called Humanized-PDX models to develop IL-8/CXCR and CD137 targeting therapies to overcome resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors in skin and kidney cancer patients and belonging to the Applied and Translational Onco-Immunology group of the Immunology and Immunotherapy program of the Cima University of Navarra.

Funder: CRIS Against Cancer

  • Reference: PR_EX_2022-36
  • Start date: June 30, 2023
  • End date: June 29, 2028
  • Grant: 1.250.000,00 euros
  • Nature of project: Regional
  • Award year 2023

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